¡Bienvenido al blog de Commonspoly!
Aquí compartiremos noticias relacionadas con el Commonspoly y su comunidad, especialmente eventos, reflexiones y posibles novedades con respecto al desarrollo del juego.
Aquí compartiremos noticias relacionadas con el Commonspoly y su comunidad, especialmente eventos, reflexiones y posibles novedades con respecto al desarrollo del juego.
¡Ey yo! What’s up our commoners? We have a special offer for the next FAIR S
Hello world! There are two communities who have been working to make this happen. We want
Hello world! As you may know, the Commonspoly is a board game which fosters cooperation an
Finally the spanish version of the Master’s game is ready in PDF.
Some people tend to think that because we were born in opposition to the Monopoly